Food & Dining


Hayden Quinn shares his favourite porridge recipe and how to get the best out of your oats

Everyone loves a good bowl of porridge every now and then. It is quick, easy, and very simple to make when you don’t have a lot of time on your hands. UNCLE TOBYS Ambassador, Hayden Quinn shares his favourite spring porridge recipe and how to get the best out of your oats.

How do you take your oats to the next level?

Play around with different combinations of fruit balanced with something sweet. A recent winning combo I came across is cocoa nibs or cocoa powder with fresh raspberries. It really emphasises the tartness of the fruit while balancing it out with the cocoa. A dollop of raspberry jam or dried fruits such as dates and figs could also work to add sweetness.

Topping your oats with your favourite nut butter or an ingredient such as Tahini is another great way to add flavour, and texture to your morning bowl. I go to my local bulk foods store and make my own nut butter in their inhouse grinder – it is delicious!

How to get the best out of your morning bowl of oats

Slow and gentle! I think that is the trick, especially for the perfect morning porridge. If you’re cooking on the stove, I recommend around ½ a cup of oats and 1 cup of water or milk over low heat for 4 minutes. And, if you prefer your porridge a little softer, keep stirring for another couple of minutes.

Why not try my new Toasted Oat Berry with Tahini Cream recipe, to add a twist to your spring brekkie. You can check out the full recipe here, or check out some of my other porridge recipes at